In order to process your shipping request accurately and expeditiously, please type all information in the appropriate fields before submission. Incomplete forms will result in delays until completed.

**For domestic, international, or shipments containing research materials:

  1. Review the decision tree for Outgoing Research Items and Materials for all research materials except for batteries and power packs.
    • Biological products may need a USDA permit or certificate before shipment.
  2. Ask you supervisor and/or department administrative assistant to provide a cost center number to ship your package.
  3. Upon receipt of the cost center number, complete this Shipping Information Form (SIF).
  4. Submit this form for approval.
    • Researchers/departments are responsible for supplying all packaging materials.
  5. Once approved, a shipping team member will contact you to complete a review of your package.
    • Verification of all eShipGlobal checklist items will document that your package meets Department of Transportation (DOT) and/or International Air Transport Association (IATA) requirements.
  6. After completion of the review and/or approval of the package for shipment, your package can be shipped to the recipient.
    • UTD Receiving Department is available from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Last pick-up for FedEx and UPS is between 4:30 – 5:00 p.m Monday through Friday.
    • If shipping before or after UTD business hours and on weekends, contact the shipping provider (FedEx, UPS, etc.) directly to verify that they will accept your package for shipment. Email for assistance.
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